Pásztohy Panka

My Dog Dandelion

Illusztrátor: Pásztohy Panka

Pagony, 2017

40 oldal , Kemény kötés

Lily takes the same route to school everyday: along the big chesnut tree, the small puddle and the house with the green fence. On the other side of the fence lives a small dog. They meet every day, and the spotty little dog eats what’s left of Lily’s sandwich. Soon they become friends, and Lily names the dog Dandelion. But one day Dandelion disappears! Lily cannot be cheered up. She finds out that her friend was brought to the dog shelter. Can she help Dandelion? Panka Pásztohy’s heartwarming lyrical tale about friendship, dog adoption and love in her first own picture book.
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